Elevate your Baking with Clean Label Protein & Chef Chen from Pangolin Boulangerie

Marubishi Malaysia recently had the honour to welcome Pangolin Boulangerie's renowned Chef Chen Hung Wei to take center stage at our Clean Label Protein product launch demo. 

Chef Chen, who is the owner and also bread chef of Pangolin Boulangerie located in Taichung, Taiwan, recalled that he entered the bread industry because of his love for food.

From the simple love of food at the beginning, Chef Chen is now a 20-year veteran in the baking industry. He has worked in many well-known bakeries in Taipei and has also studied in Europe and Japan.

Chef Chen's meticulous training under strict master-apprentice systems in Taipei laid the groundwork for his exceptional skills, and his unwavering dedication to perfecting his craft is evident in every crusty bite. 

There's no signature item in his boulangerie, as each item, meticulously crafted with premium ingredients and Chef Chen's signature touch, is a masterpiece in its own right.

It's no surprise that a queue often forms outside Pangolin Boulangerie, snaking around the corner and overflowing with eager customers. The next time you find yourself in Taichung, do yourself a favor and follow the intoxicating aroma of freshly baked bread to Pangolin Boulangerie. 

Lucky us! We got to witness his magic firsthand, devouring every delicious crumb of his expertise right here at Marubishi Malaysia. His demo was a masterclass, where Chef Chen unveiled a treasure trove of tips with us. 

From Taiwan to Marubishi, Chef Chen Hung Wei graced our kitchen with a wide array of tempting bakes, showcasing his expertise and passion for baking.

He also demonstrated how we could incorporate the all-natural ingredient Clean Label Protein in all types of recipes, to take our bakes up a notch.

From pillowy soft toast, to crusty European-style bread, and even croissants and danishes, Clean Label Protein is shown to be suited for all types of bread, pastries and even cakes too.

Crafted with premium milk and soy protein, this 100% additive-free all natural Clean Label Protein can help you elevate your bakes! As its name suggest, Clean Label Protein uses only clean, simple ingredients and the least processing. 

Clean Label Protein is added to dough with water or oil droplets. The addition of the protein helps to stablize air cells, thus making bread tissues more delicate, and helps enhance moisture.

As such, the overnight method can also be replaced by straight method to promote work efficiency. This in turn helps to greatly reduce labour cost. 

PHOTO: Croissant after the dough has being frozen for four weeks.

With a great anti-freezing effect, Clean Label Protein is suitable even for frozen dough. This is evident is the beautiful layering shown in the croissant despite its dough having being frozen for 4 weeks. 

The protein can be added to the dough after gluten has developed, and even after being frozen for weeks, the dough still has excellent expansion ability and layering.

Clean Label Protein isn't just a protein boost, it's a baking game-changer, promising these benefits:

100% natural: No additives, no fillers, just pure protein goodness.
Boosts texture: From chewy to fluffy, it elevates your bakes in every way.
Enhances moisture: Say goodbye to dry, crumbly sadness! Your creations will stay fresh and moist for longer.
Extends shelf life of baked goods: Reduce stale leftovers! Clean Label Protein keeps your bakes fresh for days.
Shortens fermentation time: Clean Label Protein cuts down on the wait, improving work efficiency = saving on labour cost!
Versatile: From breakfast bread to pastries and even decadent desserts, it's the protein that does it all.

Check out some of the delicious bakes crafted by Chef Chen using Clean Label Protein below. We're happy to share the recipes for these if you're interested to try out Clean Label Protein.

The red bean toast with the addition of Clean Label Protein was so impossibly soft and pillowy, melts in your mouth with each bite.

Do you wish to take your bakes from good to WOW?

CONTACT US HERE to learn more about how Clean Label Protein can help elevate your bakes. 

Here's a snippet of the demo session with Chef Chen:

If you're keen to join us for our next demo session, please feel free to also drop us a note to express your interest.



2 条评论

Keen to join for the demo. Thanks

Kreenah Yap


